
Ryan Johnson


Certifications and Seminars
CrossFit Level 1 (CF-L1)
CrossFit Level 2 (CF-L2)
CrossFit Football
CPR/AED/First Aid Certified

UTSA – B.B.A. Manangement, minor in Finance, 2007
UIW – MBA, 2011

Olympic Lifting

Private Training Availability
Contact for scheduling

As a military brat I have had the opportunity to call many places home but I like saying I’m from San Antonio. My athletic background is in basketball, which I pursued into college. A shoulder injury ending my playing career but my passion for the sport remained. I spent five years coaching basketball to youth teams and summers traveling Texas teaching skills and fundamentals. During my time as a private fundamentals coach I realized I had an eye for improving movement patterns and coaching athletes.

I graduated in 2007 from UTSA with a major in Management and a minor in Finance. Shortly after graduating I realized I needed to get back in shape. I stumbled upon Crossfit in 2008 and began working out by myself for a year at the local YMCA. In late 2009 I finally joined a Crossfit affiliate and realized I had the potential to compete in the sport of Crossfit. During my first Crossfit open I suffered a ruptured Achilles and spent the next 9 months rehabbing from the injury. In 2011 I was able to qualify for the regional competition as a member of a team and began coaching shortly thereafter.

The years of competing and coaching has only deepened my appreciation for Crossfit and its ability to create community and help individuals achieve their goals. I look forward to the opportunity to work with and alongside every athlete that walks through our doors.