Cardio Shmardio
WARM-UP: X 2 250m Row Fence drills 10 Jump squats 15 Good morning 200m Run SKILL: 7:00 Cutoff 500m Row 100 DU (2:00 SU) 20 Cal Bike WOD: 16 Min
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WARM-UP: X 2 250m Row Fence drills 10 Jump squats 15 Good morning 200m Run SKILL: 7:00 Cutoff 500m Row 100 DU (2:00 SU) 20 Cal Bike WOD: 16 Min
WARM-UP: :30 Drills: 2xs Jacks Ring row Good morning Bar hang Calf stretch (:15 each) Baby squats SKILL: Team relay across gym 350m Row Bear crawl 1025’ Burpee broad jump
WARM-UP: Group Plyos 2 Rounds: :20 Second support on rings :20 Second dip hold on rings SKILL: 10:00 to complete: 6 x 4 Strict Pull-ups (:60) WOD: Partner WOD: 3
WARM-UP: 2 x 20 Banded Monster walks (each) -Forward -Backward -Left -Right 2 x 10 Squats w/ bands just below knees SKILL: 200m Run 2xs: 5 Pull ups (strict if
WARM-UP: 200m Row 10 PVC thrusters 5 Pull ups 200m Run 10 Pvc thrusters 5 Pull ups 10 Wall walks SKILL: 10:00 EMOM ODD: 5 Reps of Bench Press EVEN:
WARM-UP: 200m Run :30 Hollow hold :30 Arch hold 10 Spiderman crawls 1 Set of fence drills each leg 5 Inch worms + PU SKILL: 10:00 EMOM ODD: 2 BSQ
WARM-UP: 200m Row 20 Kicks 200m Row 20 Pelvic raises 200m Row 20 Scorpions 200m Row 20 Banded good morning SKILL: Bar Muscle up practice WOD: 7 min AMRAP 200
WARM-UP: Ladder drills 10 pvc pass throughs 10 pvc good mornings 10 pvc OHS 5 narrow grip OH squats with :5 pause at the bottom with a pvc 5:00 group
WARM-UP: 200 m run Plyos SKILL: Banded good mornings 3 x 20 WOD: Partner “McGhee” Corporal Ryan C. McGhee, 21, was killed in action on May 13, 2009 by small
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217