Muscle-up Clinic

This a two-part clinic on the progression and execution of one of the most coveted movements in CrossFit; the Muscle-up.  Coach Drew Bignall will be breaking down the movement entirely and showing athletes what needs to be accomplished in order to obtain their first muscle-up.  Each participant will have "homework" between Part 1 and Part […]


Trinity Competitions Presents: Duality Every year we have numerous Mission athletes compete in this partner event hosted by Trinity Competitions, and this year is no different.  With a multitude of divisions and skill levels available, Duality is a perfect opportunity to compete in your first or twentieth event. This year, you can compete as a Male/Male, Female/Female or Co-Ed […]


Handstand Clinic

This a clinic focusing on the progression and execution of the handstand.  Coach Meagan will be breaking down the movement entirely and showing athletes what needs to be accomplished in order to obtain an ideal handstand position.  Each participant will be taken through the progression of how to kick up efficiently, proper body positioning, fall safely among […]


Community Workout

Join us Saturday, January 2 at 8:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. for a free Mission CrossFit Community Workout. We invite the community to train with us on that Saturday! Whether you are new to CrossFit or a seasoned athlete, come out and get a taste of what Mission CrossFit is all about. All skill levels […]


New Year Elimination Challenge

INTERESTED IN GETTING YOUR NUTRITION JUMP STARTED IN JUST 5 WEEKS?  SIGN UP FOR THE NEW YEAR ELIMINATION CHALLENGE! Click HERE to sign up! The New Year Elimination Challenge is 5-week nutritional challenge where participants must eliminate something from their diet each week. The goal of this challenge is to teach you in a progressive way how to improve your overall nutrition and […]


A League of Their Own Challenge 4

On Saturday, February 13th 2016, A League of Their Own: A Women’s Only Challenge returns to showcase the amazing strength, tenacity and camaraderie that only the women of CrossFit have to offer! Grab your girlfriends and join the roster of The Majors Division (RX) or The Minors Division (Scaled).  Three workouts across broad time and […]


Body Composition Testing

Body Composition enables you to accurately pinpoint changes in your body down to specific quantities of fat loss and muscle gain, which helps set realistic goals and measure meaningful progress.  Body Analytic hydrostatic testing methods helps take the guess work out of what you are really gaining or losing. - Body Analytics What is body composition?  Simply stated, it's what you're […]


Bros, Barbells and Beer

Join the Men of Mission on Saturday, March 5th for Bros, Barbells and Beer; an afternoon of fun, food and some brewskis at Mission CrossFit! We will be doing some "manly" workout things and having a true bro-sesh.  Come get your BRO on! This is an opportunity to meet other male members of the Mission community and meet those who do not […]

Bring-A-Friend To Class Day

We are excited to host our first Bring-A-Friend To Class Day! Do you know anyone that you think would enjoy being a part of our community? Bring them with you to class for a complimentary trial! You'll be able to show them what Mission CrossFit is all about, while enjoying your workout together.   DATE: […]


CrossFit Open 16.5 Closing Event

This Saturday, March 26, we will be ending the 2016 CrossFit Open with some style. Join us starting at 10am to complete 16.5 as a community. To enhance the experience, feel free to invite any friends or family to the event to cheer you on. We have some left over adult beverages and snacks, for […]