One of San Antonio’s main functional fitness events is coming up next weekend called Duality.  It is a partner based competition with a multitude of different skill divisions available to compete in.  These divisions include: Super Scaled, Scaled, RX, and Masters.  Duality also provides an opportunity to compete with a partner of the same or opposite gender; male-male, female-female or male-female.  Because of these options, Duality is perfect event for anyone to challenge themselves in!

trinity_competitions_up_next_dualityAt Mission, we have a 13 teams competing!  That’s 26 athletes, all mixed between the different categories and gender combinations. There are athletes competing from our regular CrossFit classes, our Athlete Program, and even a few coaches!  Mission members have come together no matter how they workout or train to have fun and challenge themselves at this event!  We have at least 1 team competing in each and every category at the event!

This event is NOT just about the best athletes, its about athletes going outside of their comfort zone and challenging themselves. We cannot wait to see athletes go out there, compete and surprise themselves!  This is what COMMUNITY is all about!  All of these athletes have worked hard for their success and now are looking to test it, so let’s help by giving them some strong support.

Way to go Mission folk!

With such a diverse selection of athletes from Mission, Duality is sure to be a fantastic event!  Stay connected on Facebook with our posts about the event.  You can also follow the event via their website by CLICKING HERE.

Super Scaled:


Julianne Grau + Bekka Finch

Jonna Kennie + Jille Foerster

Scaled Teams: 


Erwin Smith + Chris Mazzola

Drew Simank + Andrew Garcia


Ashley August + Christina Donahue

Ashley Rice + Lori Fiorello

Evita Martinez + Lesley Lilly


Alberto Arechiga + Francesca Palafox

Shannon Baldwin + Tanner Wood

Katie Stienhoff + Paul Stienhoff

Masters Teams:


Coach Beth Gentry + Jessica Massay

RX’s Teams:


Coach Amy Hicks + Coach Rebekah Cairns


Coach Drew + Sergio Fernandez

 DUALITY ATHLETE MEETING: Monday Sept 8th, @ 7:30pm @ Mission (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)


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