There are two “Mud/Fun” Runs that are coming up in Texas and near by!  I would love to see a big representation from our gym there.  I’m quite sure I am going to be doing the Hell Race on April 30th, and more than likely the Spartan Race on March 26th.  I believe there is a discount because you are a member of a CrossFit Affiliate, we just need to approve that with them.  Also, if we get a large group of people together who want to go, we can get a discount as well.  Both runs are about 3-3.5miles and have a dozen or so obsticles you need to conquer.  These are great events to go hand-in-hand with CrossFit and what we do, and you never know, with all this training you could dominate the run!  Click the links below for more information.  If we do want to get a team together, talk to me and we will see how many we can pull together.
Hell Run
Spartan Race
200m Run – 25 Jacks
200m Run – 25 Squats
200m Run – 25 Push-ups
200m Run – 25 Good Mornings
PVC Shoulder Work
5pt. Hip
WOD: (15min)
For Time:
40 Burpees over the Hurdle
200m Run
40 1-arm Snatches (55/35lb)
200m Run
40 1-arm Shoulder Press (55/35lb)
200m Run
Bottom-to-Bottom Tabata Squats


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