How good are your HSPU?

How good are your HSPU?

How good are your HSPU?

Handstand Push-ups (HSPU) are a key component to CrossFit and a great party trick.  It’s a strong measurement of how strong your upper body strength is.  It should be a good goal for any CrossFitter to be able to do a few of these in a row with minimal effort, then move on to doing long sets.  There are many ways to scale a HSPU for anyone to attempt when working on HSPU before they get to a strict HSPU.  Click the link below and see all the different variations of HSPU and work towards a full range strict HSPU.…Variations.wmv
And once you get to the elite level, why not try few clapping handstand push-ups?!

WOD Level 1:
AMRAP 20min
200m Sprint
10 Burpees
20 Dips
30 Squats
WOD Level 2:
For Time:
500m Row
21 Pull-ups
15 SDHP (95/65)
1000m Row
21 Pull-ups
15 SDHP (95/65)
500m Row


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