Your individual workout plan is very important to your performance and results from training.  More is not always better.  You need to take in CrossFit with a plan in mind.  We design our programs to have a 3-on 1-off schedule every week.  Meaning, you training 3 days in a row, then take 1 off and repeat.  This doesn’t always work for everyone’s work schedules, so you modify.  Maybe 3-on: 2-off, or 2-on: 1-off.  There are many different programs to work with, and as I have found over my training, is to be completely random and listen to my body.  If I feel the workout would do more harm than good, the day is an off day.  And sometimes I push myself through that lack of strength and that’s where I feel  get the most benefit. Your days off are very important as well, especially with this style of intense training.  Make sure to take days off during the week, not just at the end, so your body and build on certain things.  Pushing it too hard too soon or too often will burn you out and make your body crash.
And don’t forget about our Paleo Challenge!  Limited space available!  Go to the “Seminar” tab on our online scheduler and sign-up now!
Level 2:
WOD 1:
13 Tuck Jumps
9 Push-ups
100m Sprint
WOD 2:”Baby Kong’ – 3RFT
4 Deadlifts @ 60% of your 1RM
8 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
12 Cleans at(165/125)
16 HSPU/Handstands
Level 1:
250m Row
20 Medicine Ball Clean (20/14)
7 HSPU?Handstands
13 Ring Dips


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