A Mobility, Recovery Day

A Mobility, Recovery Day

A Mobility, Recovery Day

Remember, our other location (the old space at 7701 Broadway) will be opening tomorrow!  Scroll down to see the class times and different classes offered.  There is also the link under “Friends of Mission CrossFit SA” on the right hand side of the page.

Thank you to all of you who came yesterday afternoon for the local camera crew!  It was a great experience and it will be airing next Tuesday morning on local KABB Fox Daytime@Nine with Mike Hernandez.. Short segment on the new gym and what we have to offer!  As well as Coach Rebekah will have some of the Fox ladies do a mini WOD live on air! Set your DVR!


2 Rounds:

30 Wall Squats

Fence Drills (10 reps each)

250m Row


15 PVC Pipe Pass Throughs

15 PVC Pipe Good Morning

Mobility WOD:

Foam Roller – 0, 30, 60, 90 Degrees on each thigh

Foam Roller – Inner Thigh/VMO

Banded Stretching – Hamstrings

Figure-Four Stretch

WOD: For Time:

30 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

25 Hollow Rocks

10 Ring Push-ups (20 LHPU)

20 KBS

25 Hollow Rocks

20 Ring Push-ups (40 LHPU)

10 KBS

25 Hollow Rocks

30 Ring Push-ups (60 LHPU)



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