Still cold tomorrrow
WARM UP: 400m Run 2 X 10 Banded pull-parts 10 Banded sto 10 Banded starfish 10 Ring rows SKILL: 3 Sets of 10 Bench press @55 % of RM 12
Home » Archives for Mission CrossFit San Antonio » Page 88
Home » Archives for Mission CrossFit San Antonio » Page 88
WARM UP: 400m Run 2 X 10 Banded pull-parts 10 Banded sto 10 Banded starfish 10 Ring rows SKILL: 3 Sets of 10 Bench press @55 % of RM 12
WARM UP: Plyos SKILL: Set up WOD WOD: Team of 3 25:00 AMRAP 100 Cal Row 45 Thrusters (75/55) 100 Cal Row 45 Thrusters (95/65) 100 Cal Row 45 Thrusters
WARM UP: CTC before each movement 20 Pelvic raises 20 Straight leg kicks 20 Air squats 20 Walking lunges 20 Scorpions SKILL: Turkish Get-up ( 10 min ) 3 x
WARM UP; 9min EMOM Min 1: :45 sec row Min 2: 10 Wall squats Min 3: 12 Reach throughs SKILL: Every :90 for 9 min ( 6 rounds ) 5
WARM UP: Plyos SKILL: Complete 3 rounds of following 400m Run ME Pull ups Rest 1:00 WOD: For Time: (15:00) 50-40-30-20-10 Hang Power Snatch (65/45) WBS (20/14)
WARM UP: 2x’s :30 drills Squat Hold Air Squats Lunge to instep R Lunge to instep L Push Ups Free Stretch 1min SKILL: Back Squats 5:00 to warm up/build up
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217