CrossFit Open starts tomorrow!
WARM-UP: 3X CTC Run 6 Burpees 8 Pass throughs 10 OHS SKILL: Find a 1RM Split Jerk WOD: For time 15 Bar Facing Burpees 5 Clean and Jerks 12 Bar
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WARM-UP: 3X CTC Run 6 Burpees 8 Pass throughs 10 OHS SKILL: Find a 1RM Split Jerk WOD: For time 15 Bar Facing Burpees 5 Clean and Jerks 12 Bar
WARM-UP: 9 Min EMOM Min 1: :45 Row Min 2: 5 Russian KBS + 5 American KBS Min 3: 10 WBS SKILL: 3X 10 Jobes Shoulder Work WOD: 1000m Row
WARM-UP: 4 Rounds: 3 WBD 10 Air squats 10 Push-Up 5 Pull-Up :30 Wall Sit SKILL: Into WOD WOD: Team Of 2 : 24:00 AMRAP 30-Partner VolleyBall Tosses(w/MB) Over Bar
WARM-UP: PLYOS SKILL: Into WOD WOD: Burpee EMOM Ladders 1 Burpee + 1 BSQ ladder (3:00 rest) 1 Burpee + 1 Shoulder-Press ladder (3:00 rest) 1 Burpee + 1 Deadlift
WARM-UP: 3:00 Jump Rope Warm-up 3:00 Shoulder Stretching SKILL: 10:00 EMOM ODD: 200m Run EVEN: Choose one of the following A. 25’+ HSW B. 20 Shoulder Taps C. 3 wall
WARM-UP: C2C Run 20 Kicks on back C2C Run 20 Pelvic raises C2C Run 10 Light russian KBS C2C Run 10 Hollow/Arch swings C2C Run 10 Inchworm to pu SKILL:
WARM-UP: 30 drills 2x’s: Seal jumps Downward dog Arm circles Bar hang Handstand hold Push ups SLSU SKILL: Dumbbell 3-Point Lunge 5 x 3 each leg WOD: Open WOD 12.2:
WARM-UP 400m Run Fence Drills 10 Burpee Broad Jumps :30 Bar Hang 15 Knee above the hips :30 Squat hold with Wall Ball 20 UB Wall Ball Shots SKILL: Find
WARM UP: 200m run 200m row Plyos 200m run 200m row Plyos 200m sprint 200m row SKILL: Straight to WOD WOD: Teams Of 3 1000m Row 50 GTO w/Plate 50
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217