Working For Volume
WARM-UP: 400m Run Plyos SKILL: 15 EMOM Minute 1,4,7,10,13: 15 Wall balls Minute 2,5,8,11,14: 30 Russian twist (total. 25/15) Minute 3,6,9,12,15: Shuttle run WOD: 3 Rounds 4 Minutes to complete:
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Home » Archives for PPLAdmin » Page 75
WARM-UP: 400m Run Plyos SKILL: 15 EMOM Minute 1,4,7,10,13: 15 Wall balls Minute 2,5,8,11,14: 30 Russian twist (total. 25/15) Minute 3,6,9,12,15: Shuttle run WOD: 3 Rounds 4 Minutes to complete:
WARM-UP: :30 Drills X 3 rounds Air squats Good mornings Push-ups Lunge to instep Inch worms Burger warm-up SKILL: 8 Minute EMOM Clean complex: hip+hang+full WOD: 6 Rounds 4 Deadlifts
WARM-UP: 200m Run 20 kicks ( total ) 200m run 20 lunges ( total ) 200m run 20 Pelvic raises 200m run 20 air squats SKILL: Backsquat load to 70%
WARM-UP: 200m Run Plyos SKILL: 5X5 Bent over row (:60 rest) WOD: 400m Run 15 Burpees over bar 10 OHS (135/95) 4oom Run 10 Burpees over bar 10 OHS 400m
WARM-UP: 200m Run Plyos Stretching SKILL: Death by Pull-ups When you cannot complete anymore rounds of pull-ups, you preform: The 33 Burpee test for time WOD: 3:00 AMRAP 15 Air
WARM-UP: Foam Roll Monster band walks Laterally 3X20 (each) Forward/Backwards 3X20 (each) 200m Run 10 Burpees 10 Barbell good morning 10 Barbell RDL WOD: 20 Min EMOM Minute 1 &2
WARM-UP: 2 Rounds of :30 drills Jumping jacks Lunges Arm circles forward Arm circles backwards Bar hang Handstand hold Push-ups Squats 1:00 Stretch SKILL: :45 at each station, :15 between
WARM-UP: 200m Run 20 Kicks on your back(total) 200m Run 20 Walking lunges (total) 200m Run 20 Pelvic Raises 20 Squats SKILL: Back squat every :90 for 11:30 40% x 3
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217