Bring Your Grips Today…

Bring Your Grips Today…

Bring Your Grips Today…


500m Row


20 PVC Pass Throughs

20 Figure 8’s

10 Back Squats w/PVC

20 Good Mornings

10 OHS w/ PVC



100 Pullups

100 Pushups

100 Situps

100 Squats


2 thoughts on “Bring Your Grips Today…”

  1. I have a few friends that have recommended your crossfit and I would like to give it a try. I am currently at ACF and looking for a new home. May I come try one of your classes next week?

  2. Hey DeLaine!

    You are lee than welcome to come try out a CrossFit class with us. In Saturdays we have an 8 and 9am class and you’re welcome to come to either one. Just come 10-15min early to fill out a waiver and you’ll be good to go!

    Look forward to seeing you there.

    – Coach Drew

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