Can you handle the heat?

Can you handle the heat?

Can you handle the heat?

It was warm and muggy today, and it made the workouts that much harder.  Like training in a sauna or hotub.  But, its a good sign because summer is on its way!  Warm weather, bright sun, baked skin all of it!  The beginner class today was great as well.  A great showing and a hard-working class!  We also had a visitor from CrossFit Hawaii, Elyse Umdea, who contacted me about getting a workout in while she was here.  I said of course, and we WOD’ed up this afternoon.  She brought a great WOD for us to do, and I love every minute of it.  We eve got a chance for her to work on her Snatch, and she improved tremendously almost getting her PR even after the WOD.  Check out some pics of the Beginner class and the Video from Elyse and I’s WOD.  She’ll be rocking a MCFSA t-shirt back home.  Love it!
Beginner WOD:
For Time:
50 Double Unders (200 Single Unders)
40 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
30 KB Swings (1.5pd/1pd)
20 K2E
10 Tapping Push-ups (each side)
1min Rest
20 Wall Ball Shots (20/10)
20 Slam Balls.
Elyse + Drew WOD:
4 Rounds (3min rest for each round before starting the next round)
20 Double Unders
10 BW Back Squats (I did +20lbs)
15 Pull-ups
15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
20 Double Unders.


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