Few of Announcements Today:
– Make sure you get your measurements if you are entered in the Whole Life Challenge. Simply ask coach and we will take care of your measurements. It’s a very quick process that can be done in a matter of seconds
– Coach Travis has started a TEENS PROGRAM! The program is held Monday-Thursday at 4:30 PM. It is designed for both boys and girls in either high school or college. Any level of athlete is welcome and the cost is $100/month
– Finally, there is only 1 spot left in Coach Nick’s 6PM Barbell Sport Class! Email him: [email protected] if you are interested in improving your olympic lifts
400m Run
Quick Plyos
Foam Roll
Death by Thrusters (95/65)
*5 Strict Pullups per Minute After Failure
(3:00 Rest)
Death by Pullups
*5 Thrusters per Minute After Failure