(F x D) / T = POWER

(F x D) / T = POWER

(F x D) / T = POWER

Mission CrossFit SA’s first Yoga class was a great success!  We had 9 people attend, and after only about a week of talking about, that’s a great turnout!  The athletes who came really enjoyed it and Melissa did a great job instructing.  It was great to see how beneficial it would be for CrossFit, but more importantly, everyday life.  Making sure your hips, shoulders and legs are not tight will help minimize the risk of injury in everything you do.  The next class will be next Thursday, July, 15th at 7:45pm.  Stop by the box and sign-up at the desk or email/call.  Space is limited!
And check out some pictures from last night’s Yoga Class!  Pretty cool to see this in a CrossFit Box!
Lift Heavy! Go Fast!
49 Push-ups
28 Pull-ups
400m Run
100 Sky Divers
42 Push-ups
35 Pull-ups
400m Run
100 V-ups


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