Fiesta is over, now we work hard

Fiesta is over, now we work hard

Fiesta is over, now we work hard

Now that Fiesta is over and we will probably be in a food and beer coma for a few days, why not try to knock yourself out of it first thing Monday?  Start the week off right and detox that body!
MCFSA will also be starting their “Women Only” classes next Monday, May 3rd.  They will be held Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 9:30am – 10:30am and women of all skill levels are welcome to come!  If you have ever wanted to try CrossFit, but didn’t know how to get started, this is perfect for you! 
Also, this coming Sunday, May 2nd, we will have another “FREE WOD” day at MCFSA at 1pm.  The studio will be open to use after the WOD is done for a little while if you want to get some extra work in or hang out.  Bring some friends with you who haven’t tried CrossFit before and show them what it’s all about!  Please sign up for the class online through the online scheduler or contact MCFSA if you plan to come!
WOD 1:
400m Sprint
Rest 1min
30 Pull-ups
40 Air Squats
10 Burpees
Rest 2min
400m Sprint (improve from previous time)
Rest 3min
30 Thrusters (95/65)
30 K2E
WOD 2:
10min AMRAP
Max Pull-ups (without letting go of the bar)
6 V-ups
6 Push Press (95/65)


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