There will be NO 8 AM CLASS tomorrow morning!!! We will be having our Q&A session for the Whole Life Challenge at 8 AM and the 9 AM Class will be open to everyone, but we will be performing the Benchmark WOD for the Whole Life Challenge. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Again, Coach Travis has started a YOUTH PROGRAM! The program is held Monday-Thursday at 4:30 PM. It is designed for both boys and girls in either high school or college. Any level of athlete is welcome and the cost is $100/month. Please email him ([email protected]) if you have a teen or are a teen that is interested.
Everett Warm-Up
5×5 Push Press
As Far as Possible in 12 Minutes:
3, 6, 9 , 12…
Push Press (75/55)
Toes to Bar
– 2 Minutes Rest –
Every Minute on the Minute for 6 Min:
Odd Minutes – ME Situps
Even Minutes – ME Supermans