Great Sunday WOD!

Great Sunday WOD!

Great Sunday WOD!

We had a few newbies at today’s free workout and it definitely was a rough one!  AMRAP’s are always ones where you have to learn how to pace yourself and not just rush it, and I think a few found that out today! This week looks to be a great one again.  We start our “Women Only” classes with Melissa Simmons tomorrow at 9:30am.  So, come check it out!  Our Paleo Challenge will be coming up soon as well.  I know a lot of you have been asking to get on the Paleo and work with your nutrition and eating habits, and we are right there with you.  We want you to have every advantage you can get for your body to stay healthy and grow strong.  There will be the final details this week, so stay tuned!
20min AMRAP
200m Sprint
15 Clapping Push-ups or Push-ups
15 Weighted Squats (45/25)
7 Burpees
*And lots of core work since it’s the weekend. 


0 thoughts on “Great Sunday WOD!”

  1. Drew!! Thanks for an awesome session. You really pushed me hard the last couple of minutes. The gym looks awesome!! Good things are comin your way senior Bignall!

  2. Thanks Jenny! I’m glad you liked it and had fun! I want everyone to experience how much fun and beneficial CrossFit can be. Stop by anytime!

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