This weekend we are hosting the CrossFit Olympic Lifting Trainers Seminar! Therefore the gym will beCLOSED all weekend.
BUT, we are still going to have both CrossFit classes at 8:00am and 9:00am at the NEW GYM at 8842 Broadway. We will be having the classes inside and the bathrooms are working! With the delays from the city and not being in and operating yet, we didn’t want y’all to miss out on a workout!
If you’re not working out, don’t forget about Coach Beth and the Habitat for Humanity Day! If you have questions contact her directly at [email protected]
200m Run
Everett Warm-Up
Barbell Warm-Up
12:00 to Find 1RM
Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
8 Min EMOM
Perform the Above Complex @ 90% of Your 1RM
12:00 AMRAP
12 DL @ Weight From Strength
16 Bar Jump Overs
20 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups
1 thought on “It’s Friday! Let’s Lift Heavy Things!”
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