Just a Little AMRAP

Just a Little AMRAP

Just a Little AMRAP

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July, and for the majority, enjoying a day off from work!  I wanted to share some pictures from last week and some from today.  Got some great shots of torn hands!
Also, Mission CrossFit SA will be introducing Yoga classes this week!  We will be doing one per week to see how people like it.  This Thursday at 7:45pm – 8:30pm, will be our first Yoga class.  If you have your own mat, please do bring it as there will be mats supplied, but it is a first-come first-serve basis.  We are hoping to do this to help everyone’s flexibility and well-being!  Lets make it a big class!
The Benchmark WOD Challenge will be in full effect tomorrow!  We will be attempting this particular WOD a few times throughout the month to see how we can improve on that one WOD. We are going to focus on technique, speed, strength and an assortment of movements to help with your WOD time.  And there was a tie for the winner, but the finale winner is…Diane!
21 – 15 – 9
Deadlifts (225/155)
Do your best to make it in tomorrow at some point and get your Benchmark WOD in!  There is a lot we can work on with this WOD, so make sure to get your work in the month and see if you can’t hit that WOD with prescribed weight!
15min AMRAP
3 Push-Press (135/95)
5 Burpees
10 Squats
400m Run
75 Sit-ups
400m Run


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