Just Another AMRAP

Just Another AMRAP

Just Another AMRAP

Last month we started doing an Athlete of the Month and we are going to continue it each month.  So, with only a few days left in the month the battle continues to ensue to see who will be awarded this great honor.  Some may think it’s  kind of cheesy, but I feel it’s a great honor to be spotted out by the coaching staff as someone who has stood out in their minds during the month and have went above on beyond for their own well-being and satisfaction.  I remember when I use to attend classes and even when I played sports, at any age, I always liked having my picture on the website or being used as model to demonstrate something or even having my name called out for doing something correct.  I really enjoyed that feeling and it made me push harder and give me a better work ethic.  With that better work ethic, came better results and more fun. Don’t just throw the idea of Athlete of the Month under the bus, go out and try to take it.  It can only do good things for you!
:30 Drills
Pelvic Raises
WOD: 20min AMRAP
15 Burpees
11 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
15 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
3 x 15 Hollow Rocks

Here is an early test from last week with Jason Khalipa and Chris Spealler doing the CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.6.  Just amazing that Spealler weighs almost 70lbs less than Khalipa.  They only did 5min when the true WOD is 7min long.



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