Coach Nick will be holding his next 4 week cycle of Barbell Sport classes starting in 2014! This time around, he will be holding both Level I (Barbell Sport Prep) and Level II courses as well as hosting an 8:30 AM session!
The Level I (Barbell Sport Prep) course is designed for athletes who are newer to Olympic Lifting and have only had exposure to the Snatch and Clean and Jerk in regular classes. It’s really made for athletes of any level who are wanting to gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of Weightlifting.
The Level II course is reserved for athletes who have completed the Barbell Sport Prep or any athlete that gets clearance into the class from Coach Nick. This class is made for athletes who have been consistently working on the Snatch and Clean and Jerk and are looking to take their lifts to the next level.
The course schedule will be as follows:
Starting January 6th: Every Monday/Wednesday @ 8:30 AM
Starting January 7th: Tuesday/Thursday @ 5:30 PM
If you are interested, EMAIL COACH NICK ASAP ([email protected]). These classes typically fill up very quickly so act fast if you want in!
400m Run
Ladder Drills
PNF Barbell Front Rack Mobility
Barbell Trap Smash
Barbell Tricep Smash
Partner WOD!
100 Thrusters (95/65)
80 Burpees
60 Power Cleans
40 Shoulder to Overhead
20 Overhead Squats