Unfortunately, we decided to cancel the park WOD this weekend due to what looks like will be more really, really cold weather… Sorry! But this means that we will be running a NORMAL SCHEDULE THIS SATURDAY. 8 and 9 am classes are on for Saturday.
Also, there is only 1 spot left in the 6:30 AM Session for Coach Nick’s Advanced Barbell Level 1 Course! Email him ([email protected]) ASAP if you are interested! Several spots are still available at noon.
Finally, Open WOD 15.1 will be released tonight at 7pm. This will be tomorrow’s class WOD so if you’re wondering what it’s going to be, make sure you check out crossfit.com as they will have full coverage on their Games Site.
200m Run
Monster Band Walks, 2×20 Each Direction
Coach’s Choice Stretch
6 Min AMRAP:
5 Snatches (135/95)
25 DU
-2 Min Rest-
6 Min AMRAP:
5 Snatches
25 DU