On The Clock

On The Clock

On The Clock

We have updated our Trainer page, so go check it out!  All the trainers now have their own separate pages, so definitely check back on those pages for their own updates and new pictures!
The Yoga class last night was great!  We had only 7 athletes attend, but the return of Melissa was a warm one.  She taught a great class that everyone enjoyed and they all looked forward to next weeks class.  So, mark it on your calendars and make sure to stop by!  Wednesday, August 17th @ 7:45pm – 8:30pm.
We have a great group already signed up for Fight Gone Bad 6 and we look to bring a solid group to represent Mission CrossFit SA at the event!  The first deadline is past, so no the registration cost is $75.  This price will last until next Saturday, August 20th, when the price will rise to $100.  Remember, the proceeds go to charity!  If you registered by the 10th and haven’t paid yet, it must be in today, or you will be pushed back.  I can run your CC as well.  The event starts at 8:00am on September 17th.  Yes it is early, but it is also to everyones advantage to not be in the sun at 2:00pm in the afternoon when it is 100+ degrees.  If you have a special request for a time you need to be done or you want to sleep in a little, let us know ASAP.  We can only accommodate a few athletes for this, so get with a Coach quickly.  The heats will be announced once the registration has stopped on September 1st.
Also, I am sad to say that OlyAthlete is closing down.  Some of you may not know what this was, but it was an organization, like CrossFit, that catered to athletes who wanted to CrossFit and focus on Olympic lifting.  It’s sad to see them shut their doors! “The staff at OlyAthlete is sad to announce that we are officially shutting down our site.  Due to various different life demands and a cease and desist letter from the United State Olympic Committee we have decided that our best course is to dissolve OlyAthlete.  We want to thank all of our friends, followers, and readers for supporting OlyAthlete over the past year.  Its been a great experience for all of us, and we’re thankful for the great friends and relationships we’ve made along the way.   Below is contact info for each of the creators and contributor of this site.  Thanks again to everyone, and keep moving those barbells fast!”
Jumping Warm-up
100 Pull-ups (9min Cutoff)
1min Rest
50 Burpees (8min Cutoff)
2min Rest
100 Sit-ups (7min Cutoff)
3min Rest
100 Jumping Squats (6min Cutoff)
*For total time


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