Shoulder Friday

Shoulder Friday

Shoulder Friday

TONIGHT – Movie Night at 7pm!  Join us for “The Lego Movie,” some drinks, snack and good friends. CLICK HERE

TOMORROW – Fitness in the Park at 9am!  Join us for our second rendition of Fitness in the Park held at the Olmos Park #4 Field.  There will be NO 9am Class at Mission, but we WILL HAVE 8am Class at Mission.  CLICK HERE

The past two days we have posted about two different members of Mission who had both accomplished amazing things!  This weekend we have another one challenging themselves against the nation.  We are sure you’ve seen Justin Lewis working his butt off in the mornings (and nights!) getting ready for this weekend.  He has traveled to Florida to compete in the national event “The Crush Games.”  This is a large, nation-wide event held each year where many top athletes come to test their fitness.  Justin has taken the next step in his efforts to become the best athlete he can by heading to the Crush Games to compete!  Wish him some luck and for more information about the Crush Games CLICK HERE.



3 Rounds of Cindy

*With 1 Shuttle Run between each round

Barbell Warm-up


Death by Push-Press (115/75) (75% of BW Rx+)

1 PP the first minute

2 PP the second minute

… until you reach 12:00


For Time: (20:00)

35 Pull-ups

200m Run

50 Slam Balls (30/20)

200m Run

35 TTB

200m Run


200m Run

*at any point during the WOD, complete a 50 cal row. 


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