Squat Me Nicole

Squat Me Nicole

Squat Me Nicole

Don’t forget we are doing CrossFit Total over the next two days, so make sure you get in here!  There will also be a WOD posted for both days (the same WOD both days) for you to do instead of the CFT.
The Rock N’ Roll 1/2 and Full Marathon is this upcoming Sunday and I know a few of you, including myself, are participating in either the 1/2 or full.  I will be training just as hard as all of you this week doing my regular WOD’s and Lifts, but if you feel like you want to take a day off and rest for the marathon, go right ahead.  Just know, when the marathon is done, we are going to hit it HARD!

WOD: 20min AMRAP
15 Air Squats
400m Run
Max Pull-ups


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