For those of you who are competing in the 2013 CrossFit Games Open and for those of you who are on the edge about doing it, I want you to read this article by the Legend, Chris Spealler, and his competition experiences. Â It’ll give you a great perception about competing, having fun and not letting the pressure get to you. Â It’s suppose to be about having fun!
Here is a great excerpt from his article.
“The problem I find is when we come to that last step. You start to make sacrifices and people often begin putting pressure on themselves here. It’s tough to not care so much when you do make the sacrifices necessary to be at the top or meet some of the goals you may have no matter what they are. That drive is important and we need to have it if we want to succeed, but the second that drive turns into a fear of failure we take the fun out of it. We take the joy out of what got us started and why we started competing at the beginning. It’s important to keep that as it takes pressure off of us.”  – Chris Spealler
Shuttle Run
PVC Warmup
3×3 Snatch Balance w/3 Sec. @ Bottom of Squat
20 min AMRAP
10 KBS (24/16)
20 Situps
30 DU
400m Run