The Email Is Now Fixed!

The Email Is Now Fixed!

The Email Is Now Fixed!

The Mission CrossFit SA emails have not been working recently, but I have fixed the problem and both email addresses are now again working.
Sorry about the confusion and difficulty getting a hold of myself or the box.
***Fight Gone Bad V is coming up and we still want to have a good showing!  Please let me know if you are wanting to participate in the event.  The cost is $50 (which you can raise as a donation for the 3 foundations CrossFit is giving to) for you to participate in the event.  Or, if you want to volunteer or help judge the event you can do that as well.  Please let me know asap.  I must know and have all payment in by September 18th, 2010.  If it is not in by then, don’t expect to participate in the event.  Again, this is going to be the biggest CrossFit event San Antonio has ever put on and we need all the support we can get.  It is a family event, so bring the entire family and pets and have a great time with BBQ, drinks and fun.
Level 2 WOD:
20min AMRAP

25 V-ups
15 KB Swings
25 SDHP (75/55)
Level 1 WOD:
20min AMRAP
15 Pull-ups
25 Air Squats
35 Sit-ups


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