The Sevens.

The Sevens.

The Sevens.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the opportunity to have open gym on Saturday morning!  Make sure to let the coaches know if you enjoyed it, disliked it or what could be done to make it better!

I wanted to say a few words about how amazing our CrossFit community has become.  Everyone can see that the gym is growing day by day and there are always new faces in the gym.  This is a great thing as we are impacting more and more people each day.  But, make sure you introduce yourself to each person you don’t know in your class.  You know what it feels like to be new and not know anyone, so make them feel welcome as well!  Because of this make sure you check yourself into class when you walk through the door and you steer clear of the class that is still going on.  We don’t want anyone to get hurt by being in the way, so try and stay off to the side!  I never thought we would be to a point that we are currently at so soon.  It has been a great pleasure being able to help so many people in many different ways and we will only continue to do so. Thank you to everyone who has been apart of our family and helped grow it into what it is today.

Make sure to pay attention to new programs and events that we will be rolling out over the next few weeks!  We have some programs aimed at helping members with particular styles of training as well as having a program designed for newbies who are wanting to take their time getting into CrossFit, but want to work their tails off.  We will post all information abotu this on the website and at the gym.

The first program under our new “MissionFit” programs is a women’s bootcamp instructed by Coach Amy Hicks called “Missionistas.”  The flyer is below and if you are interested in attending this bootcamp or know someone who is, you can register through the website under the MissionFit tab or by clicking here


400m Run

x 2:

250m Row


10 Inch Worms

10 Lunges (each leg)

Strength WOD:

3 x ME Bear Complexes (for total reps) @ 80% of 1RM Push-Press

*Clean + Front Squat + Shoulder to Overhead + Back Squat + Shoulder to Overhead

WOD:  “The 7’s” – 20min AMRAP


7 MB Squat Clean + Thruster + Thruster + Slam Ball

7 Knee-to-Elbow

7 Deadlifts (245/165)

7 Burpees

7 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)

7 Pull-ups


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