The Weather Cools Down, The Weight Goes Up

The Weather Cools Down, The Weight Goes Up

The Weather Cools Down, The Weight Goes Up

Thank you to everyone who showed up Saturday night for the party and for the 15 people who came Go-Karting last night.  It was amazing!  I think everyone really enjoyed it and watch out for a CrossFit Go-Karting League to start up soon…We had a little wager going for the teams that the winning team would take home a small pot, and I decided that if my team won, I wouldn’t take the winnings.  So, instead the winnings will be going to the second place team, Team Fran:  Neal, Collanne and Marton!  Congratulations! If you haven’t paid for the racing yet, bring it in to the gym this week, thanks!
This week we will be doing a little bit more weighted activities since last week we did a lot of body weight movements starting with Max deadlifts today.  Also, to stay more on track during class, please start arriving early.  I know we have been a little more easy going about coming in a few minutes late, but class will start on time and if you’re not there you’re going to miss the warm-up and not be properly prepared for class.  So, please be ready on time!
400m Run
Pelvic Raises – Kicks – Sky Divers – 5-pt Hip
Max Deadlift (15min)
“Cindy” – 20min AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
100 V-ups
100 Sky Divers


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