Travis Mash This Weekend!

Travis Mash This Weekend!

Travis Mash This Weekend!

If you are interested in Weightlifting (Snatch/Clean & Jerk) and/or Powerlifting (Bench/Squat/Deadlift) we have a great seminar coming up in April.  Travis Mash (a great friend of ours and oh yeah… he’s a MDUSA Coach which is kind of a big deal) is hosting a seminar at our gym.  Here are the details:

Date: Saturday and Sunday, April 11 and 12, 2015

Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

One-Day Level II Weightlifting Camp (Saturday):

Price: $200.00One-Day Level II Powerlifting Camp (Sunday):

Price: $200.00Two-Day Level II Camp (Saturday and Sunday):

Price: $300.00Several of our athletes and coaches attended the camps last year and absolutely LOVED them.  If you have an interest in learning more about either of these barbell sports we highly recommend you attend one if not both sessions.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask Coach Nick or Coach Beth Gentry who attended the camp last year.




Curb 2 Curb Run

15 Air Squats

Curb 2 Curb Run

15 Good Mornings

Curb 2 Curb Run

10 Inch Worm + Pushup


4 Sets:

5 DL w/:05 Negative @ 70-75% of 1RM

10 KB Step-Ups (24/16)

Rest :60



Box Jump (24/20)

KBS (24/16) Rx+ (32/24)



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