Upcoming Events!

Upcoming Events!

Upcoming Events!


Check Back Periodically to our “Events” Tab on the Website for More Information About Upcoming Events!

Grand Opening and 4 Year Anniversary Party (September 27, 2014)

Come celebrate with the Mission family on Saturday, September 27th from 10:00am – 2:00pm to honor our 4 year birthday (4.5 year actually!) and the expansion to our new (current) building!  There will be food provided by one of our own Mission members, inflatable fun, family, community and a raffle for Mission Memberships amongst other items!  Raffle tickets are $1 each, and every dollar raised will go to our gym total for the Barbells for Boobs city-wide event on October 18th.

Barbells for Brighton (October 4, 2014)

Join us for the 3rd annual crossfit tournament benefitting the Brighton Center.  Registration beings at 8:00am and the WOD will being at 9am.  Teams of 4 will compete in 3 different fun wod’s so please bring your friends to create your own team (if you don’t have a group of 4, no worries!  There will be plenty of other individuals there to create a team with!).   The WODs will be for athletes of ALL levels!  All proceeds go to Brighton Center so you will WOD FOR A CAUSE and we promise you’ll be sore the next day!  Come out to whichever box you choose and help out some kids in need.

There are Barbells for Brighton locations all over the city!  Go to EventBrite.com and search for “Brighton,” or you can CLICK HERE to register for the Mission CrossFit SA Location.

Throughout San Antonio and Bexar County, Brighton Center provides developmental and educational services to children with disabilities and/or developmental delays from birth to age 22, along with family and community education.  With a holistic, family-centered approach, we offer child enrichment and development through a learning cneter, home-based therapy serivces, counseing, case management, family support services and more.  We seek to empower every child we serve with the necessary knowledge and skills they need to prepare for a bright future.

For more information about the Brighton Center visit www.brightonsa.org or call 210.826.4492.


Barbells for Boobs (October 18, 2014)

Many of you may already be aware of our effort to establish the SAAA or San Antonio Affiliate Association. For more information, check out our website.


Our first major fundraiser event will be Barbells for Boobs which is a major CrossFit event to raise money for early detection of Breast Cancer. The event will be on Saturday, October 18th, 2014. Please join Mission CrossFit SA’s team and support this cause as we work together a city!  Also, check to see if your employer is participating as there are HUNDREDS of companies whoa are involved and matching any employee donations!!!

The SAAA has set a community goal of $50,000.  With that in mind, Mission has set their own goal of $10,000! This is a city-wide charity fundraiser and will involve all the CrossFit affiliates.  Lets come together as a community and raise as much money as possible!


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