We've Done Enough Squats

We've Done Enough Squats

We've Done Enough Squats

Having done squats of some kind pretty much the entire week, I decided we would take a day off!  Just means you should be able to go faster now!
Remember, we have classes tomorrow morning at 8am and 9am with the 10am Olympic Lifting Class.  Definitely come and practice the movements of all of the lifts.  if there is a specific one you need to work on, we can address it there, or we’ll come and learn proper technique for lifts and have some fun!
We will also be having a class Sunday Morning at 11:00am!  We are doing it at 11am because lululemon athletica in Quarry Market down the road, is having Kids Yoga and Zoomagination come to their store!  So, definitely stop by there.  Our class will be free and open to anyone who wants to come, so tell your friends and have them come by.  I thought we would get the workout in before the heat rises!
400m Run
21 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
15 Burpees
9 Push-Presses (95/65)
400m Run
15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
15 Burpees
15 Push-Presses (95/65)
400m Run
9 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
15 Burpees
21 Push-Presses (95/65)


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