What A Way To End The Week

What A Way To End The Week

What A Way To End The Week

We have spent this entire week working explosive power doing short, hard workouts, so why not end the week with a short, hard workout then a long impossible one.  Just for fun!
“This was a bad idea.” – Miguel
WOD 1:
800m Run
15 Burpees
15 HSPU or Handstand (hold for :01 each)
WOD 2:
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/10)
200m Sprint
40 Ground-to-Overhead (95/65)
200m Sprint
30 Squat-Clean (95/65)
200m Sprint
20 Weighted Step-ups (24″/20″ + 45lb/25lb)
200m Sprint
10 Strict Pull-ups
200m Sprint


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