Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Drills for Skills
WARM-UP: 200m Run 10 Pvc thrusters 15 Ring Rows 200m Run 10 Pvc thrusters 15 Push-ups 5 wall walks 3:00 group stretch SKILL: 10:00 of Muscle up Drills 3 Sets: 2:00 to Complete: 2-4 Muscle
Push Press Work
WARM-UP: Ladder drills 2 rounds: 10 Pvc pass throughs 10 Pvc good mornings 10 Pvc OHS 5 Narrow grip OH squats with :5 pause at the bottom with a pvc 5:00 group stretch SKILL: Every
Happy Fathers Day
WARM-UP: 1 Shuttle Run 10 Lunge to instep 10 Squats 10 Push ups 1 Set of fence drills SKILL: “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double unders Abmat sit ups WOD: 12 min AMRAP 9 Hang power snatches (95/
Waterfall WOD
WARM-UP: 1 Set of fence drills 10 Push ups 10 Jumping Squats Plyos Group stretch WOD: Teams of 3 or 4 Waterfall Style 3 RFT (35:00) 400m row 20 Slamballs ( 30/20 ) 25 KB
Max Clean
WARM-UP: 2X: 10 Pass throughs 10 Good mornings 10 Front squats 10 OHS 10 Push press SKILL: 3 Sets (:90 rest between) 12-15 Banded Lat Pull-downs :30 L-Sit WOD: 12:00 min to Run 400m Find
WARM-UP: 1 Shuttle run 10 Sit ups 10 Squats 10 BB SDHP SKILL: 16min EMOM Min 1 : 8 al air dyne Min 2: 30 Russian twist (total) 25/15 Min 3: 8 Back Squats at