Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
1 Rep Max Thrusters
WARM-UP: 2X: 20 Jumping Jacks 5 Dive bomber inchworms 10 PVC thursters :30 Hollow body hold on ground 150m Row SKILL: 12:00 min to Find 1 rep max Thruster from rack WOD: For Time 100
Cindy But Not
WARM-UP: 2X: 1 Shuttle run 5 Drop squats- 4 inch (above parallel) 5 Drop squats- full depth 5 Jumping squats :15 Ring support hold SKILL: Banded Hip and shoulder mobility 33 Burpee Test WOD: For
Row Trials
WARM-UP: Ladder Drills 2 X: 10 PVC pass throughs 10 PVC push press 10 Ring rows 10 Arch/Hollow swings (arch/hollow = one) SKILL: 15 Min to compete: 3 X 500m row time trials WOD: 3
Partner Everything
WARM-UP: 200m Run 1 Set of Fence Drills PVC Shoulder warm-up WOD: Teams of 2 800m Run (alt 200m) 100 Walking lunges (each leg) 100 Partner push ups 100 Partner ab mat sit ups 100
You Don’t Want To Miss Today
WARM-UP: 9:00 EMOM M1: Shuttle Run M2: 5 Russian KBS + 5 American KBS M3: 10 Barbell Thrusters SKILL: For Time 21 Thrusters ( 45/35 ) 6 Single leg burpees over bar 15 Thrusters 6
Pistol WOD
WARM-UP: 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Seal Jumps 20 Pelvic Raises 20 SLSU 5 Inch worm + 3 pu Burgener PVC Burgener Barbell SKILL: Every :90 For 15:00 Hang Snatch + Full Snatch WOD: AMRAP 6:00