Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Working On Our Thrusters
WARM-UP: 200 M Run 2x’s 8 Lunges 8 Air Squats holding #15/10 out in front 8 Ring Rows SKILL: 10 Min EMOM Odd: 2 Thrusters from ground Even: Curb to Curb run WOD: 12 min
Partner Deck Of Death
WARM-UP: 200m Run 30 Sec Drills X2 Squat hold Squats Arm circles Bar hang Push ups SLSU Downward dog SKILL: Banded Monster walks Forward + backwards 2 x 20 Side to side 2 x 20
3K Row
WARM-UP: 400m RUN Plyos SKILL: Teams of 3, Complete 3k row Person 1 : Row Person 2 : Hold plank Person 3 : Rest WOD: 4 RFT 10 Push Press (115/75) 15 Burpees 10 Overhead
Start Your Week Off Strong
WARM-UP: 3:00 Jump Rope 2x: 200m Run 10 Squats 15 GM :30 Bar hang 10 Arch/hollow SKILL: 3 x ME set of each: TTB Double Unders WOD: 20 Min EMOM Min 1: 12-15 Wallballs (
Waterfall WOD
WARM-UP: Warm Up EMOM 3rds: M1: 10 Cal row M2: 15 Light KBS M3: 10 Empty BB thrusters M4: 10 SLSU WOD: Waterfall Style: Teams of 4 4 Rounds: 500 M Row 30 KBS (24/16)
BSQs on the menu
WARM-UP: 200 M run 1 Set fence drills w/empty bar 10 GM 10 RD 10 BSQ SKILL: BSQ EMOM w/ partner 4 Rds: (12min) 1 Min ME BSQ @50% 1rm Rest 2min WOD: 16 Min