Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
WARM-UP: PVC warm-up 10 Inch worms with a pushup :30 HS hold 10 BB Good mornings 10 BB RDL SKILL: “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225/155) HSPU WOD: 4 Rounds for time: 20 OH plate lunges 20
CLOSED today
NO 4pm CLASS TODAY! Enjoy the day of rest with friends, family, football, and some yummy food. We have a fun week ahead of us!
Last Saturday of November
WARM-UP: Shuttle Run 10 Spider walks into lunge to instep Shuttle run 10 Burpees Shuttle run 15 Straight legged sit-ups Shuttle run 15 Keeps above hip swings on the bar Skill: 2:00 ME row for
Time to burn off that pie!
We are open for 8am class and 9am class only! WARM-UP: Plyos WOD: Partner wod, teams of 2 400m Run together 20 Alternating power clean (155/105) 25 Burpees with band 35 Partner WBS (20/14) 50
HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS! CLOSED TODAY FOR THE HOLIDAY. Enjoy your off day and we will see you back tomorrow (11/27) at 8am or 9am ONLY, or Saturday 8am or 9am only!
HALF DAY- gym closes at 1pm
WARM-UP: X3 200m Row 3 baby squats with a :03 hold at the bottom 5 Squat with hands overhead + :03 hold at bottom 5 Inch worms + Push-ups WOD: “Virtual Fran” 21-15-9 SKILL: “The