Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Flight Simulator!
WARM UP 3 min Jump Rope WU 2x 10 Air squats 5 Inchworm + Push up 30s Squat hold 30s Bar hang ENDURANCE As Far As Possible in 8 min Flight Simulator Double Unders 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5
Body Weight Skill Day
“WE ARE CHANGE” MESSAGE FROM COACH RENEE: Hello We Are Change Teams! Your first We Are Change Dare is to run a mile, take a selfie with an accountability partner, teammate or coach, then post
Happy MLK Day!
WARM UP 400m Run 1x w/out Barbell 10 Good Mornings 10 Air Squats 10 Lunges total Again with Barbell plus 10 Barbell Shoulder STRENGTH Front Rack Lunges from the racks with partners 12min EMOM Odd:
Final Day for “We Are Change” Benchmark and Meeting!
REMINDER!!! If you have not complete your Benchmark for the “We Are Change Challenge”, you will have that opportunity following a brief meeting at 5 pm. WARM UP 3x: 250m Row 15 Air Squats 10
Saturday Shuttle Runs!
WARM UP Indoor Plyos Snatch Progression Warm Up ENDURANCE Shuttle Run Relay! 4 teams (2 on each side of pull up rigs) Relay style shuttle run race (each person must run 3X’s to complete) Red
Hooray Friday!
REMINDER: Those of you who are participating in the “We Are Change Challenge”, be sure to grab a coach today and have them get your measurements and pictures. Your last chance to do your Benchmark