Yes. Fran on Roids.

Yes. Fran on Roids.

Yes. Fran on Roids.

We have reworked our website a little bit over the past few days, so make sure to check it out!  We now have a Tab dedicated to the different programs we have and will have, we also consolidated some of the Tabs including the Trainers tab.  We have new coaches being added all the time, so make sure to learn more about us!

***We are lucky enough to have a local news crew coming to interview us and take some videos of what we do here at one of the classes!  If you are available to come by the gym tomorrow (Wednesday) for a workout, please come by around 11:15am, get loose and wear your MCFSA t-shirt!  They will be here about 11:30am and stay through some of the noon class.

One last thing!!!   We have talked about it before, but we want you all to remember that we are keeping our old space open with a new gym!  If you remember Melissa Simmons, she has jumped at the opportunity to teach at the old space.  This means there will be classes taught during the week as well as Yoga.  Classes are scheduled to begin THIS FRIDAY.  If you are interested in attending classes at the other gym, feel free to email her at [email protected] and check out the website by clicking here.  There is also a link in our “Links” as you scroll down on the right hand side.

***The two gyms are separate gyms, you must be a member at one OR the other.

The class schedule will look like this to start out with:

Regular Classes

Monday / Wednesday / Friday

6:00 – 7:00 am

5:00 – 6:00 pm

Yoga ($10 per class – ANYONE can take these classes and they are highly recommended to stay flexible)

Hatha: Monday 7:30 – 8:30 am

Vinyasa: Thursday 10:00 – 11:00 am

Beginners Yoga: Friday 4:00 – 4:45 pm


400 Run

PVC Pipe

5pt. Hip

3 Rounds of Cindy


Rope Climbing

WOD: “Fran on Roids” (16min)

21 – 15 – 9

Squat-Clean Thrusters (95/65)

Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups


Feel sick.


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