You Missed White Elephant.

You Missed White Elephant.

You Missed White Elephant.

Last night we had our informal Christmas Party at our new facility and it was great!  We has over 40 people come and about 30 participate in the White Elephant gift exchange.  There were some pretty fantastic gifts given out!  If you want to know what the new place is like, talk to some of the folks who can and partied with us.  Thank you to everyone who came and participated, it was a blast and we cannot wait to host our next party!


Line Jumps (x 2)

Band Walks Across Gym (x 6)

5pt. Hip (x 1)

Shoulder Warm-up

SKILL: 4 x Max Strict Pull-ups

*Accumulate as many pull-ups as possible in 4 sets

WOD: 20min AMRAP (performed with partner)

*Rest while your partner goes

*Make each round a SPRINT.

15 Air Squats

4 Deadlifts

3 Hang Power Cleans

2 Thrusters

1 Push-Press

*Choose your own weight for your teammate and yourself.


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