Everett Warm-up
Burgener Warm-up (Groups 1 & 2)
SKILL: 10-15min of Snatch practice
*Can build to max Snatch, or work on skill sets
WOD: In teams, you are to perform the following per person on your team:
75 Power Snatches (75/55)
100 Sit-ups
125 Double Unders (500 Single-Unders)
*You CANNOT help your teammates out until you have completed your own reps
*You CANNOT work at the same time, in the same exercise as your teammates.

So, these videos are of 19 year old Spencer Moorman.  He is a Junior Superheavy Weight.  This is crazy.  160kg Snatch and a 200kg Clean and Jerk.  The excitement is just awesome!




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