Well, I have finally got my computer back from the shop and it’s working great! I have updated the numbers from the Paleo Challenge Baseline workout, and they will be posted today in the gym, so people can see where they rank! Remember, the first day is great and all if you’re in first place, but you better not drop too far after the 6 weeks, otherwise that chance to win goes out the door!
Check out Sunday’s class with Coach Neal. Re-donk-u-lous.
400m Run
SKILL: Practice Muscle-Ups (10-15min)
WOD: “Helen” 3RFT
400m Run
21 KB Swings (24/16kg)
12 Pull-ups
3 Rounds
25 Sit-ups
25 Toe Touches
25 Skydivers
Now this is a Paleo Fridge. Compliments of the Takach.