August 2014 Athlete of the Month – Michael Rodriguez

August 2014 Athlete of the Month – Michael Rodriguez

August 2014 Athlete of the Month – Michael Rodriguez

It can be argued that the 5 AM class is a group of some of the most motivated individuals at our gym.  I mean… They wake up by at least 4:30 AM to get to gym on time.  I’d say that’s pretty motivated!  Of those members in the 5 AM class, Michael Rodriguez has been one of the most committed and also amongst the most improved members in the gym.  He’s been working relentlessly since the day he joined at improving his lifts, skills and endurance.  Because of this, we’ve selected Michael as our August 2014 Athlete of the Month.  Congrats Mike!  Keep up the good work buddy!

NameMichael Rodriguez

Started CrossFit: June 2011

Favorite WOD: Cindy

Least Favorite WOD: Anything with overhead squats

Favorite Lift: Shoulder press/push/jerk

Least Favorite Lift: Overhead Squat

Story: I have always done something to try to stay active, whether it be playing football as a kid, learning to ski (water/snow), racket ball, handball, scuba-diving to just plain old weight training.  However as I grew older I gravitated to more cardio workouts mixed with some weight training. I bounced around from gym to gym; Racket ball handball club, Concord, Lifetime and even Gold’s gym. I had been at Gold’s gym for some time and it, the gym and the clientele, along with my routine all were getting old. I needed a change. I had been talking with my good friend and esteemed colleague Mr. Tom Wright. I had seen him completely transform his body, over a relatively short period of time, and I said to myself, “I need what he’s having.”

When I started Mission CrossFit, I felt I was in good shape, I just didn’t know better. Ignorance is bliss. What the hell is an AMRAP, WOD, LHPU or HSPU? Who the heck is Fran or Tabatha?  Well, after two years I am may not know all the acronyms or work outs but I do now know I am in much better shape than when I started. The coaches Beth, Nick and Drew have all given me great direction with technics and give the encouragement to keep coming to class. I have meet some interesting people and reconnected with old friends and colleagues. I share my experiences each day with my family, mainly my wife who along with my orthopedic surgeon, think I’m crazy. That may be the case but as long as I’m active I will be a crossfitter at Mission.



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