August Athlete of the Month

August Athlete of the Month

August Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Sharon Hohon for being selected as August Athlete of the Month. Many of you may not have had the pleasure of meeting Sharon because she is a die hard 5am ONLY member. Sharon has stepped way outside her comfort zone and has been able accomplish so many new feats since starting CrossFit. All though she may not be a fan of overhead squats, you should see her toe to rings. For those reasons and many more is why we have selected Sharon as athlete of the Month.

Started CrossFit: 2017

Favorite Lift: Deadlift

Least Favorite Lift: Overhead Squats

Favorite WOD: Anything with deadlifts and bench press

Least Favorite WOD: Sleds and burpees!

Story: Mission was the first gym I ever stepped foot in. I loved CrossFit from the first class and each day it continues to grow. I saw changes very quickly which motivated me to push harder in every class. Each class is a challenge for me but when I am finished, I feel fantastic! I love the people and the positive energy Mission has created. I have never experienced this before and look forward to the next WOD and how much I can improve. Thank you to all the Coaches and fellow members in the 5am class!


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