1776 Fireworks!
We are open today for 8am and 9 am only! WARM-UP: Group Plyos Outside Teams of 3: 90 Wall ball shots WOD: “1776” (30:00) Teams of 3 4 RFT 70
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We are open today for 8am and 9 am only! WARM-UP: Group Plyos Outside Teams of 3: 90 Wall ball shots WOD: “1776” (30:00) Teams of 3 4 RFT 70
Mission CrossFit San Antonio is closed today, but will reopen tomorrow for 8am and 9am classes!
Mission CrossFit SA will be closed tomorrow (July 3rd), but will reopen July 4th for 8am and 9am classes! WARM-UP: 400m Run Indoor Plyos 2 Rounds: 6 Burpee Broad Jump
WARM-UP: 20 Walking lunges 10 Lunge to instep 20 Squats 2:00 on AD 5 Inch worms + 10 push-ups (each IW) :30 Bar Hand :30 Handstand hold SKILL: 7:00 Cutoff
WARM-UP: 400m Run 30 Jumping Jacks 30 Seal Jumps :30 Squat hold 10 Wall squats 10 Sqauts 10 Wallballs :20 Bar hang 15 Knee above hips 5 Burpees SKILL: 3
WARM-UP: 3:00 Row 3:00 Banded monster walks (:45 each direction) 3:00 Piriformis stretch on box (:90 each side) SKILL: 12:00 to Build up: Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch +
WARM-UP: 6:00 EMOM M1: Row M2: Jump Rope M3: :30 Squats/:30 Knee above hip swings SKILL: “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlift (225/155) HSPU WOD: For Time: (12:00) 1000m Row (5:00 cut) 20
WARM-UP: 200m Run 1 Set fence drills 2x 10 Toy Soldiers (total) 6 Lunge to instep (total) 10 PVC ohsq :30 Bar hang :30 Handstand hold or plank hold SKILL:
WARM-UP: :30 Drills: 2Xs Jacks Ring row Good morning Bar hang Calf stretch (:15 each) Baby squats SKILL: 3 Rounds: 200 M Run ME UB TTB WOD: For Time: 200
WARM-UP: Group Plyos 20 Vertical tosses with slam ball WOD: Teams of 4 200 WBS (20/14) 160 Burpees 80 Power Cleans (135/95) 800m Run 8 CTC Sled Pushes (150/100)
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217