Take care of your hands today!
WARM-UP: 200m Run PVC complex 20 Second bar hang 5 Hollow-arch positions 5 Kipping pull-ups 5 LHPU 10 Air squats WOD: Every minute for 30 minutes, preform 1 round of
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WARM-UP: 200m Run PVC complex 20 Second bar hang 5 Hollow-arch positions 5 Kipping pull-ups 5 LHPU 10 Air squats WOD: Every minute for 30 minutes, preform 1 round of
WARM-UP: 400m Run Plyos in the great outdoors SKILL: 2:00 Max shuttle run 1:00 Max double under Rest 3:00 12:00 ALT EMOM w/ partner 2 Clean (touch and go) +
WARM-UP: :30 Drills Jumping Jacks Alt lunges Air squats Bottom of the squat holds Bar hang Push-ups X3 SKILL: 12:00 EMOM M1: 5 BSQ @ 70% M2: 5 Weighted strict
WARM-UP: 250m Row 10 Air squats 5 Inch worms 10 LH push-up 5 Lunge to instep (each) X2 SKILL: Shoulder mobility Hip mobility WOD: Teams of 3 Waterfall
WARM-UP: 400m Run Plyos 15 Reverse slam ball throws for distance SKILL: Sled Pushes (12:00) Teams of 3 or 4, relay style Down and back, then switch. The entire team
WARM-UP: 2X 200m Run 10 Lunge to instep 15 Squats 10 Push-ups 15 Wide leg reach throughs 2:00 Group stretch SKILL: CrossFit Total 1 Rep max shoulder press (10:00) 1
WARM-UP: 2X 200m Run 10 Lunge to instep 15 Squats 10 Push-ups 15 Wide leg reach throughs 2:00 Group stretch SKILL: CrossFit Total 1 Rep max shoulder press (10:00) 1
WARM-UP: 200m Run 15 Squats 200m Run 15 Straight leg sit-ups 200m Run 15 Lift hand push-ups 200m Run 15 Ring rows WOD: 20 Minute AMRAP 15 KB swings (24/16)
WARM-UP: 200m Run Plyos SKILL: 1:1 Rest 200m Run 400m Run 800m Run 400m Run 200m Run WOD: 7 Minute AMRAP 10 Burpees 5 Hang squat clean thrusters (115/75) Rest
WARM-UP: 3 Rounds 10 Burpees 10 Ring rows 10 Squats 200m Run SKILL: Mobility WOD: Partner Chipper (split reps anyways, one person works at a time) 100 KB swings (24/16)
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217