Let’s Work Those Toes To Bar
WARM-UP: 2:00 on Rower 20 Walking lunges 10 Lunges to instep 20 Squats 400m Run 5 Inch worms + 3 Pushups :30 Bar hang :30 Handstang hold SKILL: 1 Set
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Home » Archives for PPLAdmin » Page 80
WARM-UP: 2:00 on Rower 20 Walking lunges 10 Lunges to instep 20 Squats 400m Run 5 Inch worms + 3 Pushups :30 Bar hang :30 Handstang hold SKILL: 1 Set
WARM-UP: Outdoor Pylos -Hamstring -Hips SKILL: 1 Miles time trail WOD: “AMY” 3 Rounds: 10 HSPU 50 DU 2 Rounds: 250m Row 20 Box Jumps (20″) 1 Round: 40 Pullups
WARM-UP: :30 Drills (x2) Jacks Lunges Arm Circles Handstand hold/walk Lunge to instep Pushups SKILL: Push Press to a heavy single 5-3-1-1-1 WOD: Partner Deck of Death (25:00) Diamonds: air
WARM-UP: 3:00 Jump Rope 20 Pelvic Raises 20 Single Leg Raises (each) 20 Kicks on Ground 20 Scorpions 20 Pushups 20 Lunges to Instep SKILL: Pre-WOD: 3:00 Quad smash w/bar
WARM-UP: 200m Run 1:00 Jump Rope 200m Run 12-1- Single Leg Jump Rope 200m Run 50 DU (15 Attempts) 30 Walking Lunges 20 Squats WOD: Chipper for Time: 1000M Row
WARM-UP: Line Drills Fence Drills 6 down to 1 Squats Pushups Lunges :30 bar hang SKILL: 7:00 EMOM 7 TTB (Unbroken) 5 Burpees WOD: “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 Power Cleans (135/95) Ring
WARM-UP: Plyos Shuttle Run 20 BSQ w/barbell 20 Good mornings w/barbell SKILL: 8:00 EMOM 3 DL at 75% of 1 RM 6 Box Jump Overs (24/20) WOD: Partner wod: 400m
WARM-UP: 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Seal Jumps 3 Rounds: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats SKILL: 1 Strict Press + 3 Push Press + 5 Push Jerks 12 Minutes to
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San Antonio, Texas 78217