As you progress in CrossFit, you begin to learn that in order to increase your olympic lifts you need to be stronger in each of the movements that combine to create a Snatch, Clean or Jerk. Â Movements like Front Squats, Deadlifts, Push-Press, Snatch Balance, Overhead Squat, etc. Â The list is endless because each movement can be traced back to a very simplistic exercise that will, in turn, make your olympic lifts better. Â So, in today’s class, a “Bigger Front Squat = Bigger Squat Clean.” Â If you can front squat more weight, you can squat clean more weight. Â You need to get comfortable in the front squat position for when you receive that bar in a squat clean. Â Then as you squat clean more and you technique gets better and the weight gets lighter, you begin to squat clean more, quicker.
Come work on those movements and learn more about how to train your body efficiently to perform your Olympic Lifts better by joining Coach Drew this Saturday, June 16th from 9:00am – 12:00pm in a 3-hour Olympic Lifting Seminar. Â He will go over drills, technique, programming and answer any and all questions you have. Â The seminar is filling up, so reserve your spot soon. Â Click Here To Register.
Also, on August 11th in Houston, TX, we will be attending the South Texas Open. Â This is an official USAW Olympic Lifting Competition. Â If you have ever wanted to see what it is like to lift in front of a crowd or see some of the best Olympic Lifting athletes in the Region compete, this is an event to catch! Â We will be having a handful of Coaches and Athletes attending this event and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to compete at any level for any type of event. Â It is much different being the only athlete on the stage and everyone watching you. Â The mental strength is far above a lot of other events. Print out the registration form below and mail it in before June 27th. Â The cutoff is coming up, so don’t miss it! Â Ask Coach Drew about the details or with any questions you may have.
400m Run
3 Rounds:
10 Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
Strength WOD:
Max Squat Clean
5 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1 – 1
***Build to a 1 Rep Max.
WOD: 15min AMRAP
10 Squat Clean (@ 50% of what you Maxed today)
10 Burpees
Tabata Sit-ups
3 thoughts on “Bigger Front Squat = Bigger Squat Clean”
Squat cleans- 155, 165,185, 195 215, 225
15 min amrap-8 +5
I want one of those new shirts you guys got.
Nice Sean! And we can get you one, they are going fast
Ok awesome. I’m gonna be coming back home in a week. Think you could hold one for me?