Hello July
WARM-UP: 20 Walking lunges 10 Lunge to instep 20 Squats 2:00 on AD 5 Inch worms + 10 push-ups (each IW) :30 Bar Hand :30 Handstand hold SKILL: 7:00 Cutoff
Home » Workout of the Day » Page 138
Home » Workout of the Day » Page 138
WARM-UP: 20 Walking lunges 10 Lunge to instep 20 Squats 2:00 on AD 5 Inch worms + 10 push-ups (each IW) :30 Bar Hand :30 Handstand hold SKILL: 7:00 Cutoff
WARM-UP: 400m Run 30 Jumping Jacks 30 Seal Jumps :30 Squat hold 10 Wall squats 10 Sqauts 10 Wallballs :20 Bar hang 15 Knee above hips 5 Burpees SKILL: 3
WARM-UP: 3:00 Row 3:00 Banded monster walks (:45 each direction) 3:00 Piriformis stretch on box (:90 each side) SKILL: 12:00 to Build up: Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch +
WARM-UP: 6:00 EMOM M1: Row M2: Jump Rope M3: :30 Squats/:30 Knee above hip swings SKILL: “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlift (225/155) HSPU WOD: For Time: (12:00) 1000m Row (5:00 cut) 20
WARM-UP: 200m Run 1 Set fence drills 2x 10 Toy Soldiers (total) 6 Lunge to instep (total) 10 PVC ohsq :30 Bar hang :30 Handstand hold or plank hold SKILL:
WARM-UP: :30 Drills: 2Xs Jacks Ring row Good morning Bar hang Calf stretch (:15 each) Baby squats SKILL: 3 Rounds: 200 M Run ME UB TTB WOD: For Time: 200
WARM-UP: Group Plyos 20 Vertical tosses with slam ball WOD: Teams of 4 200 WBS (20/14) 160 Burpees 80 Power Cleans (135/95) 800m Run 8 CTC Sled Pushes (150/100)
WARM-UP: 200m Row 20 Kicks 200m Row 20 Pelvic raises 200m Row 20 Scorpions 200m Row 20 Banded good morning SKILL: Rope Climbs! WOD: 20:00 to Complete: 100 Double Unders
WARM-UP: 2 Rounds: 200m Run :30 Hollow hold :30 Arch hold 10 Spiderman crawl into lunge to instep 15 Single leg pelvic raises (each) 4 Inch worms + PU SKILL:
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217